5 Kettlebell Uses For Serious Strength!
1. Varied Grip Training.
The weight distribution of the kettlebell allows users to put their forearms through excruciating strength tests. Because the weight is centered directly under the handle, this distribution can very quickly turn from friend to foe for grip strength. Bottoms up holds, internal grip holds, external grip holds, and grabbing the bell directly will send those with weak grips running for cover....and more chalk. The kettlebell itself is a complete grip training tool. Do traditional movements, and hold the grip in a way that appears awkward. Be prepared to feel wrist muscles never felt before. Using these grip exercises will let you rethink the wrist and forearm tremendously. You'll realize how many moving pieces of muscle come together to keep a wrist firm during pressing, punching, gripping and grappling. Don't leave any weak spots in the forearm and you'll achieve impressive feats of strength. Firm grip is the base for serious strength, and anti-aging.
2.Easier to hold Farmers Carries. (Or Harder ones.)
While the kettlebell grip can be made more difficult, it can also make some movements more user friendly. A 100 pound kettlebell carry will feel different than a 100 pound dumbell carry. Why is this?
We go back to the weight distribution. Because a kettlebells weight is distributed nice and center, you can probably hold more weight before one side of the wrist bends sideways, unlike a dumbbell, which is loaded on 2 sides, leaving two places for the weight to seesaw out of the hand, or “hooking” the wrist. If you’re looking for more total load moved, the kettlebell will most likely allow the movement (a shrug, farmers carry, static heavy hold) to be more powerful.
Furthermore, think of a barbell, and why it’s so much harder to grip and hold the center of a dumbbell like a barbell. The leverage on each side of your hand, the fulcrum, is so much higher than the dumbbell, and way higher than the kettlebell. While you can use that for a different grip training experience, you may see where a long, loaded dumbbell can make simple exercises too clumsy.
The kettlebell also allows for more versatility with attachments. Wrap towels around the kettlebell handle for a grip training nightmare, or stack to kettlebell handles on top of each other, and make an awkward, heavier, kettlebell hold. With strength training, sometimes the weird choice can be the right choice.
3.Hanging Bands, hanging from belt chains.
Compared to plates, kettlebells are more likely to be comfortable to dangle from a barbell, or below the crotch with a weight belt.
If your hanging them from elastic bands on a barbell for hanging band training, kettlebells are going to better for the job than plates or dumbbells. You have more variety in weight selection, and a cleaner handle to hang the weight from. That weight distribution of the kettlebell will also make the shake of the weights stronger. Depending on the gym, the plates may not be ideal for the challenging, but dangerous hanging band exercises. Some iron plates may be sharp enough to cut through the rubber bands, potentially ending the training session (or life) in utter chaos. Kettlebells from a chain or a band will be much safer than using a not-so-perfect plate for adding instability to a barbell. Regardless of what type of weights you have dangled from the sleeve of the bar, Start out light until you know how solid of a strength/stability foundation you have.
Its also advantageous to use a kettlebell, as opposed to plates for weighted pull-ups, dips, or other body weight exercises. Again, you have more kettlebell weight options than 25s and 45s, and all the options In between for training different rep ranges. The kettlebell also is much more comfortable than risking shoving a plate that’s too tight up against your genitals. Just a thought. There's no real difference in the actually movements that can be done from the chain belt, but now all of them can get loaded more effectively, and done more comfortably! Awkwardness doesn't have to be a part of getting stronger, make the right choice.
4.Power Exercises.
Kettlebells allow for some of the most basic, effective power exercises people can add to their training. While the barbell clean, clean and jerk, push press, and snatch are considered the power staples for strength and conditioning, kettlebells need the nod too.
instead of learning the complexities of flawless clean and jerks and and snatches, start simple with the kettlebell swing. There’s the basic hinge for power training. From there, you can still clean a kettlebell, snatch a kettlebell, and pushpress kettlebells, and possibly with more ease than a barbell. It may be one of the more accessible exercises for your clients, or self.
5.Kettlebell Complexes.
Looking for a combination of strength, cardio, racing heart rates, and efficient workouts? Look no further than complexes. They come in many varieties: Dumbbells, barbells, bulgarian bags, and just about any weighted object can make them happen. Kettlebells allow for some of the most creative movement flows, combinations, and full body exercises to make the complex complete. Get-up to snatches, swing to figure-8, lunge with a tactical pass, and get creative with conditioning. With the right movement pairing and bodily awareness, you can create complexes that last minutes on end, all while bearing weight with the body. Complexes themselves are a quick workout buddy, and doing them with kettlebells broadens the movement selection to almost anything that can be thought of. Give the complex/flow shown a try, and let us know how it feels. Would you rather jog, or do that?
Complexes challenge the body through long periods of time under tension, core bracing, and searing strength demands. Even if running or cycling is your primary focus, the complexes can help bridge the gap that endurance athletes have with their strength. That gap can be bridged by full body muscular endurance. Kettlebells can make conditioning better, for every athlete.
1. Traditional Kettlebell movements are some of the essential patterns of an effective training routine. Every bodily movement pattern can be enhanced by adding a kettlebell into the movement.
2. Kettlebells often are better for the job than dumbbells. If ergonomics get in the way of a good workout, try a different piece of equipment. Try it with kettlebells.
3. There are also strange, unconvential uses for kettlebells, and they may improve the quality of training sessions. More comfortable pullups, dips, and hanging bands are all implements that push boundaries and can help you find new levels of fitness.
David Corrado BS, CSCS, TSAC-F
Founder and owner of Trainathlon
David Corrado began his training career at age 18, volunteering as a fitness coach for students with intellectual disabilities in the Gainesville, Florida area. While at University of Florida, David became certified, and worked as a trainer and coach at the UF campus rec center. Having been certified through multiple curriculums including PTAG and the NSCA’s CSCS and TSAC-F certifications, David now trains in Boca Raton, Florida, specializing in functional strength training for working adults. He trains his clients at the Institute of Human Performance, in Boca Raton, Fl.